Spring is a magical time for gardens, as the ground starts to warm up and wildlife stirs from hibernation. For pollinators—bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects—it’s a crucial time as they search for early sources of food. Planting spring flowering bulbs is a simple and effective way to create a vibrant, pollinator-friendly garden that supports […]
Ponds make a lovely addition to any garden and they’re also a proven way of attracting wildlife. Often, even small ponds attract a wide range of visitors, from the obvious frogs and newts to the perhaps more unexpected hedgehogs and birds. Attracting frogs Frogs love the UK’s weather, so if you’re a froggy fan, you’re […]
Beneficial insects, birds, reptiles and mammals that prey on garden pests and others which pollinate flowers, all make use of our gardens. Many wildlife habitats are in decline due to pesticide use and other changes in farming methods but gardeners can make a big difference by changing a few of our habits to make our […]
Most insects hibernate through the winter months and encouraging them to do so in your own garden will be beneficial for the following year. Many, such as ladybirds, will begin breeding in the spring and both they and their larvae eat huge numbers of aphids. Wasps and lacewings are among other insects whose larvae devour […]
Birds add interest, movement and sound to our gardens as well as helping to keep down certain insect pests – especially many caterpillars and aphids. Our feathered friends welcome food throughout the year; in colder months when food is in short supply, to help them when nesting and raising chicks in spring and also through […]
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