Botrytis cinerea Botrytis – grey mould – is a very common fungal disease that attacks a wide range of plants under damp or humid conditions, producing a fuzzy grey fungal growth.
Exobasidium japonicum and Exobasidium camelliae Azalea gall causes fleshy growths on azaleas and other Rhododendron species. Camellia gall produces large cream-coloured swellings on camellias.
Venturia inaequalis and Venturia pyrina Apple scab and pear scab are fungal diseases that produce dark, scabby marks to form on the fruit and the leaves of apples and pears respectively.
Neonectria ditissima Apple canker is a fungal disease that produces often deep, sunken dead areas on the branches and stems of apple, and sometimes, Sorbus trees.
(Crioceris asparagi) Asparagus beetle is the most serious pest of asparagus. Heavy attacks by this distinctive beetle weaken the plants and reduces crops in the following year.
Various Formica, Lasius and Myrmica species Ants rarely do any direct damage to plants, but their mining can kill roots, and their effects are secondary. But their anthills are a nuisance in lawns and borders.
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