Apart from the obvious damage when trees are blown over, strong winds can also cause damage to a wide range of plants by shredding and shrivelling their leaves.
While all plants need a constant and regular supply of water for their roots to absorb, the vast majority won’t grow in soil or compost that is overly wet or waterlogged.
It’s so frustrating, having grown your vegetables perfectly for months, for them to bolt – or go to seed prematurely – before they’re ready to harvest, and may be unusable.
Trees, shrubs and climbing plants that are grafted onto a rootstock often produce shoots from the rootstock – known as suckers. These should be removed.
Some plants – particularly those with variegated leaves or other colours – produce stems with all-green leaves. This is called reversion, and these stems should be removed.
Potassium (potash) deficiency is a common plant disorder that mainly results in discoloured leaves, including brown edges, as well as poor flowering and fruiting.
Phosphorous (phosphate) deficiency is a plant disorder that results in changes in leaf colour – yellow or purple – smaller leaves and slow, sometimes stunted, growth.
(Portulaca oleracea) Common purslane is a common annual weed that appears throughout the garden. It spreads readily, sets lots of seeds each year, and can quickly become a nuisance.
(Trifolium, Lotus corniculatus, Medicago) There are several clovers that are regarded as garden weeds. While they can grow anywhere in the garden, most become a real problem when growing in the lawn.
(Galium aparine) Cleavers, or goosegrass, is a very common annual weed that appears throughout the garden. It spreads rapidly, sets lots of seeds, and can become a real nuisance.
(Stellaria media) Chickweed is a very common annual weed that appears throughout the garden. It spreads readily and sets lots of seeds each year and can become a real nuisance.
(Sinapis arvensis) Charlock, sometimes called wild mustard, is a common weed throughout the garden. It is an annual and sets lots of seeds each year and spreads readily.
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