Measure. It’s well known that trees always look much bigger once you actually get them into your home – especially if you picked yours up from an outdoor retailer. You don’t have to specifically break out a tape measure, but definitely maintain perspective. Always keep size in mind when you’re choosing your tree, and try not to get carried away.
Do you want to be needle-drop free? It’s possible to pay a premium and get a tree that’s needle-drop free. The first thing to consider is that they’re very rarely completely needle-drop free. However, the difference between a non-dropper and a normal tree bought off a forecourt can be substantial. You might still get a bit of needle drop, but you won’t find yourself wading through two inches of them by Boxing Day.
Make sure you get a fresh tree, as it’s far more likely to last the season. The best way to check this is to give the tree a nice tap on the ground; if a load of needles fall off, then the tree is already on its way out and you should go for a different one.