August gardening guide
As many summer perennials finish flowering by the end of this month, it's richly coloured autumn daisies such as Echinacea, Rudbeckia and Helenium and late summer shrubs like Buddleja and Abelia taking centre stage. The garden is buzzing with bees, butterflies and insects attracted to the sweet scents of August. Enjoying the garden as an entertaining space is one of the joys of late summer British weather permitting of course! August is also brimming with crops to be harvested and jam jars to be filled.
- Spot treat weeds in your lawn, filling in any holes with gritty compost to encourage regrowth
- Summer prune any fruit trees
- Peg down runners on Strawberry plants ready for detaching once they have rooted
- Trim Lavender bushes after flowering to remove the dead flower spikes
- Divide summer flowering perennials as they finish flowering
- Summer prune Wisteria by taking any long, unwanted growths back to five or six leaf buds
- Feed Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Pieris and Camellias with a suitable granular fertilizer
- Pay particular attention to watering containers and new plants, preferably with stored rainwater
- Dead-head annuals as well as spent flowers on perennial plants
- Keep ponds and water features topped up
Top Tips
Summer prune shrubs by removing two thirds of the long, upright growths that have developed since the spring.