May gardening guide
May in the garden is a joy to behold with new growth and changes happening every day. Fresh new perennials are flourishing, late tulips are in full bloom and many shrubs are flowering. Even though May is a hectic time for gardeners, be sure to enjoy the warmer weather by taking time to relax in the beautiful space you are creating.
- Earth up potatoes to stop them turning green
- Plant out summer bedding at the end of May
- Harden off dahlias ready for planting outside later on
- Clip your hedges, taking care not to disturb nesting birds
- Consider doing 'No mow' May to leave your grass long for pollinators
- Start to hoe off weeds more regularly
- Take cuttings of succulents
- Water the garden in the mornings and evenings
- Pinch out broad beans as soon as flowers show
- Be on alert for Viburnum Beetle and Lily Beetle grubs
Top Tips
Switching to raised beds will increase production and results in fewer weeds, better drainage and more room for plants. It also reduces soil compaction, requiring less digging.