Grow Your Own

Grow Your Own inspiration from Notcutts

There is nothing more satisfying than sitting down to a meal where one or more of the ingredients have been produced from your own garden or allotment. As soon as dinner is served, every moment of hard work and effort that goes into growing your own is immediately rewarded. Once your freezer and store room are full, why not get out your recipe books and try a new dish? It’s surprisingly easy to create a fruitful harvest, even if space in your garden is at a premium.

Many vegetables, fruits and herbs can also be grown in containers or in pots on windowsills which offers a great way to get started with grow your own. Our experts have put together a few tips to help you make the most of your produce and hopefully keep ‘gluts’ (excess produce) to a minimum.

Advice & inspiration

How to grow your own potatoes

Potatoes are one of the most versatile vegetables, and they are surprisingly easy to grow, even on a small patio or balcony.

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How to plant from seed

Growing plants from seed is one of the first memories that many people have from gardening. Sowing mustard or cress onto wet kitchen towels and watching them on the window sill each day as the seed swells and germinates is a great way to get children involved - especially as the end result can be eaten!

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Grow Your Own